Hobby: Games in C#
Some time ago, I purchase a book called "Beginning 3D Game Programming" by Tom Miller. It used Managed DirectX to build some simple games from a 3D point of view. It appears that I'm halfway through. I stopped reading it because the code the author was using was based on a version of the DirectX SDK (Software Development Kit) from a year and a half ago. Some of his code samples were broken because of it. Also, it seemed that I might have been beyond what I should be doing. The book seemed to give you the how but not the why of the games. I might return to the book someday.
Since then, I've only really done C# at work and with no graphics. So it's been kind of ho-hum. Though earlier this year, I ran across a set of video tutorials for a 2D game using C#. This game is pretty low key with only the bare minimum to be classified as a game. I just finished the last tutorial a few days ago. It was pretty useful. Each video came with the source code to compile what was done during the video. But since I have the source code, I've decided to try my hand at augmenting it.
So the first change I did was to produce a spread fireball. In the standard game, you shot a fireball up the screen. I managed to produce a firing where three fireballs come out in a spread fashion.
Beautiful, eh? So that didn't take to long to do up. There are a few things I want to add to it to see if I can. One is a menu. When you first start the game, it start playing it right away. That's a little annoying.
While I was working on the spread fireball thing, I was thinking of a weapon object and some sort of weapon select. I'm thinking of ways to do the weapon select currently. I know what I want it to do and how it should look, but I'm having issues with how to code it. I'm wondering if I can shoe horn it in or if the the game engine needs an overhaul to allow my idea in.
So that's where I am at right now. Fun times, I know. The weapon selector I want to do first as I can fudge the weapon objects. Ideally, I'll do it all. It's not hard, it just knowing how/where to start.